
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dear Me. Things I would tell my younger self

Dear Me.  Things I would tell my younger self
  1. Listen more, talk less.
  2. Make eye contact.
  3. Say please and thank you.
  4. Tell your parents that you love them more.
  5. Don’t worry about what anyone else has.  Your things do not define who you are.
  6. Try and let your mom eat a hot meal.  You don’t need seconds before she has had firsts.
  7. Go find someone that no one else is talking to and say hello.
  8. Don’t worry that you don’t know what you want to be when you grow up.  You still don’t know – and you’re doing OK.
  9. I know that you feel that (Insert girl’s name here) broke your heart , but not only are there other fish in the sea, you will really enjoy fishing….for a while anyway.
  10. You know that kid that’s been bullying you on the school bus?  Don’t worry, I’m at the Exxon now and he just pumped your gas.
  11. You might want to hold on to those ripped jeans, one day you will actually pay top dollar for those “rips”.
  12. …Those parachute pants on the other hand…not so much
  13. Try not to be so insecure, you’re not as bad as you think you are…
  14. …but keep in mind, as you grow up, you’re also not as good as you think you are either – be humble.
  15. It’s not enough to not be a sore loser, don’t be a bad winner
  16. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. 
  17. It’s OK to cry…
  18. … but not over not getting that toy you wanted.
  19. And while you’re at it, try not to throw yourself prone on the floor of the department store if you don’t get your way.
  20. You know those toys that make all that noise, don't use them until after 10am.
  21. Your parents actually do know better…for a little while longer anyway.
  22. No, you will not use algebra later in life
  23. … however you will use “how you learned” algebra in almost everything you do
  24. Even if your parents say they’re busy, keep asking them to play with you.  Believe me, they will be thankful.
  25. But instead of saying “mommy” 17 times in a row, try saying “excuse me” and waiting for her to answer you
  26. Give more, take less
  27. Believe in Miracles


  1. I feel you on #8 for sure.. well almost all the others too though.

    1. Yeah Jeff, it's funny how kids are expected to know so early on. Who ever knows?

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, it took me a while to figure out that Algebra one. I was the kids saying "when am I ever going to use this?"
